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The latest value of the NAMEX Wheat Index:

Index name Calculation date Index value RUB/t excluding VAT Volume, t
NAMEX wheat CPT Novorossiysk index 07 February 2025 18 486 3 245

Archive of NAMEX Wheat Index values

Methodology for NAMEX wheat CPT Novorossiysk index



Principles of NAMEX Wheat Index calculation:
The NAMEX Wheat Index (the Index) is calculated by National Mercantile Exchange (NAMEX) and represents the price of a metric ton of wheat with the CPT Novorossiysk delivery basis, determined at the end of the trading session at the NAMEX commodity auctions.


The Index is calculated every business day.

The methodology and values of the Index are published on the Exchange website.

The following procedures are used to calculate the Index:

until 01/09/2024 - Auctions for the purchase of the commodity "4th Class Wheat, protein 12.5%" are held on a daily basis on the NAMEX commodity auction market.

2. from 01/09/2024:

  • Auctions for the purchase of the commodity "4 Class Wheat, protein 12.5%" held on a daily basis on the NAMEX commodity auction market; and
  • Auctions for the purchase of the commodity "4 Class Wheat, protein 12.5%" held on a daily basis on the NAMEX commodity auction market;

To calculate the Index, NAMEX uses only contracts executed at the end of the commodity auctions, that meet the following criteria:

  • The contract provides CPT Novorossiysk delivery to one of the following terminals: PJSC "NKHP", LLC "NZT", JSC "KSK"
  • The delivery period according to the contracts does not exceed 45 days.

The Index shall include only contracts executed at auctions resulting in total volume of contracts executed of at least 500 tons on the Index calculation date and having at least two trading members participating (submitting bids) with at least twenty trading members admitted to the auction.

Prices of the contracts included in the Index are used exclusive of VAT.

The Index is calculated as the weighted average price of contracts that meet the above conditions.

Index values are determined per ton of grain and rounded to the nearest Russian rouble according to the rules of mathematical rounding.

If the Index value cannot be determined in the manner prescribed by the Methodology, the Index value shall be deemed to be not determined.

Regulation on recalculation of NAMEX indices